At ISA ENERGIA BRASIL, we understand sustainability as a way of operating.
We are aware of the environmental challenges faced by our planet and the different social realities, which is why we remain focused on creating sustainable value for all our stakeholders.
As part of our 2030 strategy, we have a social and environmental management model designed to generate sustainable value through diverse programs and investment lines focused on meeting the needs of communities and as a corporate player committed to mitigating climate change.
Our manifesto (portuguese only)
Following are our most important sustainability indicators:
Our mission is to leave a legacy for future generations
Therefore, we proactively contribute to reducing the environmental impacts of our projects and work to mitigate climate change, protect and preserve ecosystems and their biodiversity.
Since 2019, we have been carbon neutral, continuously reducing our emissions and fully offsetting Scope 1 and 2 emissions (not including transmission losses).
Our transmission lines and projects under construction are essential for distributing energy between generation and consumption. Moreover, our assets enable us to expand the sources of renewable energy generation, which also leads to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, to the extent we accelerate access to energy, we connect renewable sources to Brazil’s National Interconnected System (SIN).
Through our actions, between 2017 and 2021 we achieved a 14% reduction in the amount of SF6 emissions. In the period, we incorporated an on-line SF6 gas regeneration machine in armored substations, which, in addition to further reducing emissions, contributes to reducing downtime and greater control over asset performance. We also have cameras for detecting SF6 leaks, which serve the company's substations, reducing the response time for leak interventions.
The company also linked the reduction target of CO2 emissions to the variable compensation of its executives, including reduction in water, energy and SF6 consumption.

We manage biodiversity comprehensively during the lifecycle of our projects, coordinating actions with each internal and external player, which enables us to respond responsibly to the impacts caused by our operations and finetune our conservation strategies at the regional and national levels:
■ We offset our emissions of the year 2021 (Scope 1 and 2, not including transmission losses) with the acquisition of 21,000 carbon credits arising from the Envira Amazônia Forest Conservation Project, certified by VCS and CCB-Biodiversity Gold; CCB-Climate Gold; CCB-Community Gold; CCB-Gold (Verra).
■ To identify the best alternatives for sustainable and safe occupation in the areas near our transmission lines, we implemented the “Sustainable Right of Way Management” project, a digital management system in our rights of way based on a georeferencing system and algorithms that estimate risks of invasion of rights of way, using geostatistical methodologies adapted to remote sensing, monitoring and mapping of the conditions of the rights of way. The system represents an advance in the digital transformation of our property inspection activities.
■ Use of drones for inspecting assets and for laying the cables of new transmission lines, which reduces the need for trimming and felling trees.

We have built ethical, transparent, reliable and co-responsible relationships. We play a proactive and significant role in processes and we offset the impacts of our operations:
By improving our programs, we intensified the use of drones in our activities, thereby optimizing the inspection of assets, rights of way and substations, resulting in greater efficiency, safety and environmental gains due to less commute and need for the removal of vegetation. The cable-laying technology significantly increases the precision in the need for trimming trees as it offers an exact photograph of the effectively indispensable interference in high vegetation. Therefore, due to the lower environmental impact, the use of drones could altogether waive or speed up the environmental licensing phase.
Electric vehicles
We launched a pilot project to replace approximately 40 light vehicles in the company’s administrative fleet with electric cars, in line with our target of reducing our CO2 emissions by 2 million tons and potentials in the planet by 2030. In August 2021, the company acquired its first electric vehicle - IEV20 – manufactured by Jac Motors, which will be used for employee commute.
Green bonds
We are the first energy transmission company to issue green bonds and, until 2021, we had carried out five issues amounting to approximately R$3.4 billion. The Green Bond Principles (GBP) are voluntary guidelines for the issue of green bonds, established by a committee of issuers, investors and other players in the green bond market. To learn more, click here (portuguese only).
Golden seal
For two years in a row, we obtained the Golden Seal from the Brazil GHG Protocol Program (baseline years 2019 and 2020) for our Greenhouse Gas Emissions inventory. The recognition is granted to Brazilian companies that demonstrate compliance with all transparency criteria while publishing information about their emissions, submitting this information to audit by a third party (our inventory is assured by PwC). To learn more, click here.
CONEXÃO JAGUAR: Our flagship sustainability program
The main sustainability and biodiversity protection program, the Jaguar Connection was elected in 2020 the best corporate emission offset program by the ranking Environmental Finance Awards. Through it, the ISA Group and its companies endorse the commitment to the sustainable business development, contributing with great worldwide causes, which include compliance with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CDB) and the commitments made by the countries at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP-26).
Started in 2017, the initiative encompasses the implementation of forestry projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in priority areas for the protection, recovery and connection of the Jaguar (jaguar, in Spanish) habitat and corridors in territories where the ISA is present.

The first project of the Conexão Jaguar Program in Brazil spans 76,000 hectares and is located at Serra do Amolar in the Pantanal region, implemented in partnership with Instituto Homem Pantaneiro (IHP).
Through our Conexão Jaguar program, implemented in partnership with Pantera and South Pole, we support forestry projects across Latin America that also engage the communities in the territories of influence.
The Conexão Jaguar Program came on top at the Environmental Finance Awards ranking for the best corporate program to offset carbon emissions in 2020.
432,200 hectares of protected forests and water sources. | 141 hectares of protected forests and water sources. |
Potential to reduce over 6 million tons of CO2 through forestry projects supported in Latin America | Potential to reduce 120,000 tons of CO2 over the next 10 years through the Serra do Amolar project in Pantanal. |
We conduct our business based on technical excellence, efficient provision of service and the creation of sustainable value for our stakeholders and society in general, driven by innovation and digital transformation and backed by the best corporate governance and ethical practices. We have strategic alliances with diverse associations, including the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC) and the Brazilian Association of Publicly-Held Companies (Abrasca).
to learn more:

Since 2002, our shares have been traded at B3's Level 1 of Corporate Governance, which recognizes the voluntary adoption of obligations in addition to those required by the Brazilian Corporation Law (Lei das S.A.). They are also part of several indexes, including the Corporate Governance Index (IGCT), in which companies with differentiated corporate governance standards are listed, and the Brasil 100 Index, which gathers the most traded shares on B3.
Our corporate governance model is structured and formalized in our Bylaws and is responsible for our strategic positioning and guidelines and for monitoring the management and our accounting processes. Our governance structure clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of directors and executive officers in formulating, approving and enforcing the strategic guidelines and on conducting the company’s business. We constantly strive to improve our management practices, with the focus on transparent and appropriate processes for our market.
Our governance framework establishes well-defined roles for our management bodies, which include independent members with vast experience in their fields and committed to ethics and sustainable business development.
Learn more:
Corporate Structure
Governance Code
Report on the Corporate Governance Code

Our constant efforts to create sustainable value involve our commitment to adopting an ethical conduct in our dealings with all our stakeholders (employees, clients, shareholders, suppliers, government and society) and complying with the laws applicable to our activities. As such, we ensure that all our projects are duly licensed according to the laws in force and our environmental studies are available for consultation at the competent environmental agencies. Also, we are part of market indices that recognize the fulfilment of recognized compliance procedures and standards.
Our Code of Ethics and Conduct, updated in 2019 and named “We Are Ethical,” embodies our corporate philosophy, focused on business ethics and on promoting the adoption of honest, coherent, rightful and responsible behavior.
Learn more:
Code of Ethics and Conduct (portuguese Only)
Código de Conduta para fornecedores (portuguese Only)

Our goal is to ensure transparent communication and constantly improve our relations with Personal Data Owners. Reinforcing our respect and adequately protecting the privacy of our shareholders, as well as other personal information handled by us and our subsidiaries, we have released our Privacy Notice to ensure the transparent treatment of our investors’ data. The document also complies with Brazil’s General Data Protection Law.
In 2020, we launched our Ethics and Compliance Portal so that our employees can remotely access all the materials and structure of the compliance area. In 2020, we also reached the mark of 100% of our employees trained on the subject.
Learn more:
Privacy Notice (portuguese only)
Corporate Anticorruption Policy (portuguese only)
Charter of the Audit Committee

We have been signatories of the Global Compact since 2011, and our commitments are reinforced by our 2030 Strategy, which focuses on generating sustainable value, which reinforces our commitment to the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) dimensions and guides us in the direction of efforts to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As another step towards diversity, to increase participation in the topic and to increase the hiring of people with disabilities, we joined the Pact for the Inclusion of the Employability of People with Disabilities in the Labor Market, together with the Business Network for Social Inclusion (REIS).
With this, the company assumes five commitments that must be implemented in the strategy of its Diversity and Inclusion Program: commit top leadership to respecting and promoting the rights of people with disabilities; develop policies and procedures with a view to affirmative action in all areas of the organization; promote an inclusive and accessible culture and environment for all persons with disabilities; communicate and educate about the rights and duties of people with disabilities, in addition to including the topic in the company's strategy.
Learn more:
Awards and Recognition
Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption (portuguese only)
Green Bond Transparency Platform (portuguese only)
Our Commitments

Commitment to social and economic development
We strive to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), primarily focusing on six of them and having SDG 17 (alliances and cooperation) as the cross-sectional pillar.
To ensure a peaceful and sustainable coexistence among our assets, surrounding communities and the environment, we design our projects to avoid as much interference as possible in households, local businesses and the vegetation. We also invest in technological solutions to minimize the built area of our facilities, such as digital substations, and we pursue innovations through Research & Development (R&D) projects. We also maintain close relations with Housing Departments to jointly find solutions for the voluntary vacation of areas, irrespective of any legal actions for repossession.
Click on the project name and learn more.
Cultural Incentive Law
■ Virada Sustentável 2021■ Abaré EmCena
■ Para Sempre Meio Ambiente
■ Balaio Encantado da Amazônia
■ Caminhão ODS
■ ODS nas Escolas
■ Jaguar Parade
■ Memorial Mata Ciliar - Museu Do Meio Ambiente
■ Exposição Integra
■ Emcena Brasil
■ Abaré In Concert
Childhood and Adolescence Fund
■ Parceria pela Educação■ Atividades Multissetoriais para o Desenvolvimento Integral – Fundação Julita
National Cancer Care Support Program - Pronon
■ Precision medicine applied to childhood cancerSports Incentive Law
■ Training for public school teachers■ Xadrez Mentes Brilhantes
■ Campeões da vida, do Instituto Guga Kuerten
Fund for the Elderly
■ Empreendedorismo na Melhor Idade■ Saúde e Bem-estar com Sustentabilidade
■ Escola da Maturidade
■ Depende de Nós
Safety is a non-negotiable value for us and, in 2021, we launched the “Conexões com a vida” program, which underscores our commitment to the safety and health of everyone who collaborates with ISA ENERGIA BRASIL. By mapping risks and using safety tools, we work to achieve a zero-accident culture. “Conexões com a vida” is a program designed to combine all the initiatives ever launched by the ISA group and reiterate its eight safety guidelines, also known as “Golden Rules.”
Para a ISA ENERGIA BRASIL, a Saúde e Segurança são valores inegociáveis.
Assista o vídeo da campanha: Conectados com a vida
video de segurança de trabalho
1. Análise preliminar de risco.
■ Só executo atividades após realizar a APR e implementar as Medidas de Controle.
2. Ferramentas e equipamentos de proteção.
■ Inspeciono os EPI’s e os EPC’s antes de utilizá-los.
■ Sempre utilizo os EPI’s e EPC’s definidos para as atividades.
■ Utilizo instrumentos e equipamentos calibrados e testados.
3. Sou responsável pela segurança de todos.
4. Segurança em serviços com eletricidade.
■ Somente inicio as atividades em instalações elétricas após autorização.
■ Inspeciono bloqueios, sinalizações e delimitações para trabalho em instalações elétricas.
■ Acesso as partes ativas após a detecção de ausência de tensão e o aterramento.
5. Trabalho em altura.
■ Realizo as atividades acima de dois metros de altura devidamente ancorado.
■ Utilizo equipamentos e sistema antiquedas inspecionados e autorizados.
6. Cuidado com espaços confinados e escavações.
■ Acesso espaços confinados com apoio do vigia e verificação da atmosfera.
■ Somente acesso escavações que possuem escoramento ou declividade conforme projeto.
7. Içamento e movimentação de cargas.
■ Garanto que nenhuma pessoa se aproxime de cargas suspensas.
■ Utilizo cintas compatíveis com o peso da carga a ser movimentada.
Realizo inspeção dos equipamentos de carga e acessórios antes da utilização.
8. Condução segura de veículos.
■ Nunca utilizo celulares enquanto dirijo.
■ Sempre uso o cinto de segurança, mesmo como passageiro.
■ Realizo a inspeção veicular antes de utilizar os veículos.
Connections for development
This program is the result of our social investment efforts over the years, as it draws on the lessons we learned and enables us to contribute to both the present and future generations, strengthening the communities where we operate in three fronts:
Improve access to and quality of public education.
Strengthen families and communities based on their coexistence and productivity capacities.
Strengthen institutions to achieve a more participative and inclusive society.
We are all one
Based on solidarity and empathy, we come together as a family to help mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 across Latin America. This is the result of an engaged, co-responsible and determined effort by a university-company-government alliance.
ISA ENERGIA BRASIL’s measures against COVID-19
In 2020, we donated R$1.5 million to Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), to acquire and produce rapid COVID-19 tests, in partnership with other companies in the energy sector, amounting to a donation of R$9 million.
In October 2020, we donated over R$3 million for the construction of a multi-purpose vaccine production center at the Butantan Institute. The center will have annual production capacity of 100 million doses of the Coronavac vaccine and will also help increase the production of other vaccines. Moreover, our employees were invited to make individual donations, which totaled R$39,165.00, and for each R$1.00 donated by them, we added R$4.00, which brought the total to R$156,660.00 and was also donated to the multi-purpose center.